Photo: R.M. Stitson (Sunset, Edwardes Lake, Reservoir, Vic.)

This is the home page of RMS Education...

It's a site designed to reflect and display my freelance writing interests, educational and otherwise, ranging from study guides for schools, to short fiction and comic strip narrative - and some of my photo-snapping activities.
The site is meant to be changeable and fluid, and may alter from time to time. Updates, for example, are found under Site News in the menu, but many may be placed here, on the home page.

8 February 2025:

NOW AVAILABLE! THREE LITTLE HORRORS, a comic book in 36 pages (incl cover). Full colour throughout. Front cover displayed below. Three short stories in "twilight zone" mode, with a varied mix of black comedy, melodrama, tragedy, and mild horror. Downloadable PDF version available for purchase from the Ownaindi website.




TIME FAULT - A FAMILY TRAGEDY, a comic book in 52 pages (incl cover). Melodrama, time travel, trauma, guilt, obsession - a story set from mid-1890s to 1927. Inner pages in black and white, cover in full colour (front cover displayed below). Both hard copy and downloadable PDF version are available for purchase through Ownaindi.

PROOFREADING COMICS: a manual for indie comic book creators, a PDF booklet in 60 pages (incl cover), written for those who are creating their own comic books. Downloadable on purchase. Click Site News on the top menu bar for more info.

TALES OF THE BLUE SAGE, a comedy-western and retro-SF comic strip story in 44 pages (plus cover), written by myself and illustrated by Dave Dye! Available in hard copy and digital (PDF) versions. A pic from the opening chapter is shown below. A link to more information, and where to purchase online, is on the menu bar under Site News.

AND...! A short, 12-page adventure story I scripted back in early 2018 is also now available. It appears as a back-up tale, included in the final edition of a four-part series titled, The Wrath of the Cursed, written and illustrated by Matt Kyme. The title of my story is Remembrance Day, 1938, illustrated by Matt himself. I am excited about seeing this little story out in print at last! Matt wrote and drew a new Phantom story for FREW during 2018-2019 which was recently published, and just about sold out in newsagencies throughout Australia on the day of release - see FREW's The Phantom, edition #1850.

FREE DOWNLOAD! An education-based study guide on our 32-page comic book, CUT DOWN, is available for teachers and students. See CUT DOWN listed under "Site News". CUT DOWN: black comedy, the Twilight Zone, and a splattering of horror... Available NOW! Below is a sample panel from the comic book.

Below are links to a range of features on this website - also available from the top menu and sub-menus:

* Tales of the Blue Sage - a 48-page comic book,
* Cut Down - a 36-page comic book,
* Proofreading Comics: a manual for the indie comic book creator - a 60-page PDF booklet,

* Photography - samples of my own work, mainly cropped and sized,
* Film Study Guides for schools,
* Text Talk items - first published in The Age newspaper,
* Australian Federation-era current affairs cartoons on CD-ROM,
* The Electric Chronicle - true newspaper stories from the early 20th century,
* A short fiction story titled A Republic Serial in 12 Chapters,
* Popular Stories Illustrated, a 52-page sample short story magazine.

R.M. Stitson; ABN: 50 870 627 939
Web page(s) updated 8 February, 2025.